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Acorus americanus

Sweet Flag (American Sweetflag, Several-Veined Sweetflag)

A hardy, swamp or bog plant with sweet, spicy-scented foliage producing greenish-yellow flowers.

  • »  Hardy perennial, swamp or bog plant
  • »  Foliage and rhizomes have a sweet citrus scent when bruised or cut
  • »  Wheat-like flowers
  • »  Great for stabilizing pond edges
  • »  Bloom Time: June to July

  • Category:Grasses
  • Hardiness Zone:3
  • Height:60-90 cm
  • Spread:70-90 cm
  • Bloom Color: Brown
Full Sun
Partial Sun/Shade
Growth Rate
Deer Resistant
Flowering Time
Lt. Spr-Sum
Foliage Color
Planting instructions
Container Plants
Additional Information about Acorus americanus

Native to Ontario and much of Canada

Widely confused with the European strain Acorus calamus, it can be easily identified by the distinct ribs on the leaves. Acorus calamus has one midrib and Acorus americanus have several. Both species have naturalized throughout North America. 

Acorus americanus was used by Native Americans as a replacement for ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. The rhizomes were also used in perfumes.

Growing & Maintenance Tips for Acorus americanus

Grow in a moist to wet soil, in full sun or partial shade. Spreads quickly by rhizomes and works well for retaining soil at the edge of streams and ponds. Can tolerate periods of drought, but suffers in appearance.