Burgundy Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

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Acer palmatum Bloodgood

Acer palmatum Bloodgood

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

The benchmark in upright, large-leaved, purplish-red Japanese maples Retains its deep colour well throughout the summer Leaves somewhat larger than those of other purple forms Inconspicuous red flowers emerge before the leaves Excellent red fall ...

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Acer pseudoplatanus Atropurpureum

Acer pseudoplatanus Atropurpureum

Purple-leaved Sycamore Maple

Upright, rounded, spreading, growth habit Yellow-green flowers appear after the foliage emerges Leathery, coarsely serrated, heavily veined, dark green leaves with burgundy undersides Seeds fall singly or in clusters Bark can peel to expose the o...

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Acer rubrum Magnificent Magenta

Acer rubrum Magnificent Magenta

Burgundy Belle® Maple

Compact, rounded canopy Red, showy flowers appear before the leaves emerge Foliage emerges red in the spring, ageing to dark green Fall foliage is orange-red changing to burgundy A good, shade tree for any landscape Bloom Time: Spring...

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Ajuga pyramidalis Metallica Crispa

Ajuga pyramidalis Metallica Crispa

Pyramidal Bugleweed

AKA Ajuga cristata, or Ajuga 'Mini Crisp Red' Deeply pleated, glossy foliage of dark green and burgundy Royal-blue spikes of flowers Slower growing than other cultivars of ajugas Compact plant, good for rock gardens and for edging Semi-evergreen...

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Astilbe arendsii Beauty of Ernst

Astilbe arendsii Beauty of Ernst

Color Flash® Astilbe

Feathery, blush-pink plumes Brilliant, electric-green foliage emerges in early spring Foliage turns burgundy throughout the summer Excellent fall colours of red and orange Bloom Time: July to August...

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Astilbe arendsii Fanal

Astilbe arendsii Fanal

False Spirea

Narrow spikes of deep crimson-red flowers Foliage emerges bronzy-red and matures to deep green with burgundy highlights Excellent perennial when used in mass Bloom Time: June to July Flower Height: 60 cm Foliage Height: 40 cm...

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Berberis thunbergii Gentry

Berberis thunbergii Gentry

Royal Burgundy® Barberry

Yellow flowers are hardly visible Red berries persist into the winter Velvety, purplish-red foliage throughout the season, to red-black in the fall Stems have sharp thorns Highly tolerant of urban pollution and salt Bloom Time: Mid-spring...

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Bergenia cordifolia Winterglut

Bergenia cordifolia Winterglut

Heartleaf Bergenia

Clusters of deep pink to red, bell-shaped flowers on sturdy stems Thick, glossy, large, dark green foliage turns burgundy in the fall and through the winter. Bergenia cordifolia species tolerate dry, shaded sites Bloom Time: Spring Flower Height:...

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Bergenia x Bressingham Ruby

Bergenia x Bressingham Ruby

Heartleaf Bergenia

Round to oval leaves, smaller than most other bergenia cultivars Deep pink to red flowers on sturdy stems Evergreen foliage turns reddish-bronze in autumn Bloom Time: April to May...

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Bergenia x Bressingham White

Bergenia x Bressingham White

Heartleaf Bergenia

Small, round to oval-shaped leaves Snowy, white flowers on sturdy stems age to soft pink Evergreen foliage turns reddish-bronze as the season cools Bloom Time: April to May...

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Betula x grandiflora Penci-2

Betula x grandiflora Penci-2

Royal Frost® Birch

Upright, narrow, pyramidal tree with pendulous branches Leaves are burgundy-red to purple in the summer White bark with cinnamon hues Foliage in the fall turns to a yellow-orange-red colour Bloom Time: Spring...

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Cercis canadensis Ruby Falls

Cercis canadensis Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls Redbud

Upright, weeping, sometimes with a contorted stem Rose-purple sweetpea-like flowers bloom on bare branches and even on mature trunks Small dark maroon heart-shaped leaves Bloom Time: April...

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Cimicifuga ramosa Pink Spike

Cimicifuga ramosa Pink Spike

Purple-leaf Bugbane

AKA Actaea ramosa 'Pink Spike' or Actaea simplex 'Pink Spike' Long panicles of pink florets Dark bronze-purple foliage with compound, ternate, sharp-toothed leaves Excellent in mass, also used as a specimen Bloom Time: Late summer to mid-fall Fl...

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Cimicifuga x Chocoholic

Cimicifuga x Chocoholic

Purple-leaf Bugbane

Long panicles of pink florets mature to white Dark bronze-purple foliage with compound, ternate, sharp-toothed leaves Excellent in mass, but also as a specimen Bloom Time: Late summer to mid-fall Flower Height: 125 cm Foliage Height: 90 cm...

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Corylus avellana Red Dragon

Corylus avellana Red Dragon

Corkscrew Hazel

Catkins, leaf buds and young leaves are reddish-purple in colour Branches are contorted and twisted adding winter interest Foliage is somewhat curled and shows good leaf colour in late summer Resistant to filbert blight Bloom Time: Spring...

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Diervilla x Kodiak® SMNDSN

Diervilla x Kodiak® SMNDSN

Kodiak Jet® Black Bush Honeysuckle

Proven Winners Intense burgundy-black leaves Full-shade tolerant, but leaf colour is more intense in sun or partial shade Bright yellow blooms Vivid red tones in the fall Bloom Time: Summer...

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Euphorbia polychroma Bonfire

Euphorbia polychroma Bonfire

Cushion Spurge

Chartreuse-yellow bracts Uniform mounds of deep purple, red and orange leaves hold their colour all season Leaf colour intensity will change with maturity and cooler weather Leaves turn an intense red in the fall One of the best euphorbias for co...

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Gaultheria procumbens

Gaultheria procumbens


Small waxy soft pink to white bell-shaped flowers Red berries develop in early autumn and last through the winter Aromatic evergreen dark green foliage Foliage turns tones of burgundy and purple in the fall Spreads only about 10 cm annually by rh...

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Heucherella x Pumpkin Spice

Heucherella x Pumpkin Spice

Foamy Bells

Bronze-red foliage holds its colour well Mahogany centres shadow the darker veining Dark red stems hold cream coloured blooms Bloom Time: Late spring...

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Lobelia speciosa Fan Scarlet

Lobelia speciosa Fan Scarlet

Tubular scarlet flowers on tall spikes Finely-toothed narrow purple leaves below the flowers Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds Bloom Time: July to September Good cut flower Flower Height: 60 cm Foliage Height: 50 cm...

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Malus Royal Beauty

Malus Royal Beauty

Royal Beauty Crabapple

Upright, weeping, growth habit with pendulous branches Red buds open to single, dark rose-pink flowers before the leaves emerge Flowers are followed by small, dark red crabapples Leaves are purple in the summer, turning burgundy in the fall Bloom...

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Malus Velvetcole

Malus Velvetcole

Velvet Pillar™ Crabapple

Upright pyramidal habit with ascending branches Pink buds open to single pale pink flowers before the leaves emerge Flowers are followed by medium-sized deep red crabapples Leaves are dark purple in the summer, turning burgundy in the fall Bloom ...

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