Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon'
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Hardy perennial, swamp or bog plant Foliage and rhizomes have a sweet citrus scent when bruised or cut Wheat-like flowers Great for stabilizing pond edges Bloom Time: June to July...
More DetailsLong, narrow, soft-textured golden-tan flower spikes Gray-green leaf blades are narrow, with extremely sharp tips This is a great low-maintenance grass for erosion control Bloom Time: July to August...
More DetailsNarrow clumps of green stems and leaves turn purplish-red Fall colour is a bright orange changing to straw-yellow in the winter Prolific seed producer with high germination rates Brown seedheads Bloom Time: Late summer into fall Grass Type: Warm...
More DetailsAKA Aristolochia macrophylla, Aristolochia sipho Solitary greenish-yellow pipe-shaped flowers Large 20 cm mid-green heart-shaped leaves Vigorous twining habit Good for privacy screening Heat and humidity tolerant Bloom Time: Summer...
More DetailsGrass forms a low mound of soft narrow foliage Leaf blades are almost completely white with a central thin stripe of green Excellent contrasting plant in the garden with spring bulbs Narrow panicles of wild oat-like blooms Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsVigorous and easy to grow Large heart-shaped leaves with silver marbling Purple flowers are hidden by the foliage Evergreen in mild winters Bloom Time: Late spring...
More DetailsThis grass has a slightly arching, upright habit and forms a tight clump Narrow leaf blades are variegated creamy-white and green Sterile flower plumes emerge light pink changing to a golden-tan Foliage and flowers dry and persist through the fall...
More DetailsAKA Calamagrostis neglecta Loose, open panicles Forms a dense mat Leaf blades are flat and stiff Spike-like inflorescence Bloom Time: May to June Flower Height: 150 cm Foliage Height: 60-120 cm Grass type: Cool season...
More DetailsForming dense clumps of narrow grass-like arching blades Green foliage Small, mostly inconspicuous flowers, are showy for a short time Tolerates dry, shady sites Bloom Time: Spring Grass Type: Cool season...
More DetailsClump-forming sedge with a cascading appearance Green leaves, 6 mm wide, are triangular in cross section Seed heads are decorative Bloom Time: June...
More DetailsTuft-forming sedge with an upright, cascading habit Leaves are green, about 6 mm wide, triangular in cross sections Seed heads droop downward, in clumps of 2-6 spikelets, up to 8 cm long, May through July Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsTuft-forming sedge with an upright, cascading habit Strap-like leaves are green, about 12 mm wide, triangular in cross section Bristly flower spikelets top this plant Golden-brown seed clusters, up to 10 cm long, droop downward Bloom Time: May to...
More DetailsForms a tight clump of semi-evergreen narrow arching leaves Foliage is bright green with fine yellow margins Great border plant to brighten up shady areas Brown flowers are inconspicuous Bloom Time: May Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsAKA Carex stricta 'Aurea' Forms a clump of graceful arching fine foliage Fine leaf blades are bright golden-yellow with narrow green margins Narrow male brown flower spikes form above stalkless female green spikes Bloom Time: June Grass Type: Co...
More DetailsAKA Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' Forms a low arching mound of narrow foliage, slightly larger than the species Leaves are green close to the crown of the plant and fade to light blue-gray toward the tips Spreads slowly by rhizomes, and can be used a...
More DetailsForms a slightly arching tight upright clump Semi-evergreen leaf blades are 15 mm wide Flower spikes are followed by unique light green star or mace-shaped seed pods Seed pods are 2.5 cm in diameter and turn a chocolate-brown, persisting into wint...
More DetailsTuft-forming sedge with an upright, cascading habit Leaves are green, about 6 mm wide, triangular in cross section Prickly cylindrical spikelets Seed heads droop downward, up to 8 cm long Bloom Time: June Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsLow-growing mounding sedge Silvery-blue foliage Blades are 1.5 cm x 30 cm long Evergreen foliage with insignificant flowers Deer resistant Bloom Time: Late spring Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsSmall semi-evergreen dense clump-forming sedge with a mounding, cascading habit Leaves are green with a margin of creamy-white Small brownish flowers Bloom Time: Late spring Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsSmall semi-evergreen clump-forming sedge with a mounding, cascading habit Fine leaves are green with narrow margins of creamy-white Small brownish flowers Bloom Time: Late spring Grass Type: Cool season...
More DetailsSemi-upright clump-forming sedge with a cascading look Bright green foliage and divided leaves provide a tropical appearance Small golden-brown flowers Seed heads are drooping, lavender-to-white and long-lasting Bloom Time: Late spring Grass Typ...
More DetailsAKA Carex morrowii 'Aureovariegata' Small evergreen clump-forming grass with a mounding habit Fine leaves are creamy-yellow with narrow margins of green Small brownish flowers Bloom Time: Late spring Grass Type: Cool season...
More DetailsSmall clump-forming sedge with a mounding, cascading habit Bright green foliage Small inconspicuous flowers are showy for a short time Birds will feed on seeds Bloom Time: Spring Grass Type: Cool season...
More DetailsSemi-evergreen clump-forming sedge with a mounding habit Unusually wide puckered leaves, 25 mm, are mostly green but purplish at the base Leaves are rippled and dimpled along the midribs Inconspicuous flowers are showy for a short time Bloom Time...
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