Pulmonaria saccharata 'Mrs. Moon'
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Hardy perennial, swamp or bog plant Foliage and rhizomes have a sweet citrus scent when bruised or cut Wheat-like flowers Great for stabilizing pond edges Bloom Time: June to July...
More DetailsForms an upright, vase-shaped clump of iris-like green and white variegated leaves Adds a nice feature to the semi-aquatic garden Foliage and rhizomes emit a spicy scent when crushed or bruised Bloom Time: Flowers are not showy...
More DetailsAiry, white flowers Clump-forming perennial with hairless plantain-like foliage emerging in early spring Foliage stands 60 cm above the waterline Found in fresh water ponds, slow moving streams or low lying areas Bloom Time: June to August...
More DetailsAquatic Broadleaf Water Plantain Herbaceous Perennial Grows in quiet to slow moving water White to pinkish 3 petaled flowers Bloom Time June to September...
More DetailsPyramidal to oval growth habit Noted for its speckled bark Oval to rounded leaves, margins uneven and double-toothed Male catkins are slender, scaly and suspended on long stalks Female catkins are smaller, erect and cone-like, clustered at the br...
More DetailsRose Pink Flowers Bloom time Midsummer-Fall Attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds Dried flower arrangements Clumping perennial by small rhizomes...
More DetailsAKA Caltha polypetala Numerous, waxy, yellow, buttercup-like flowers Kidney-shaped, glossy, dark green leaves, up to 10 cm long, form low mounds Naturally clumping, however, in a natural environment it will self-seed to form a dense, ground cover ...
More DetailsTuft-forming sedge with an upright, cascading habit Leaves are green, about 6 mm wide, triangular in cross sections Seed heads droop downward, in clumps of 2-6 spikelets, up to 8 cm long, May through July Grass Type: Cool Season...
More DetailsAKA Carex stricta 'Aurea' Forms a clump of graceful arching fine foliage Fine leaf blades are bright golden-yellow with narrow green margins Narrow male brown flower spikes form above stalkless female green spikes Bloom Time: June Grass Type: Co...
More DetailsTuft-forming sedge with an upright, cascading habit Leaves are green, about 6 mm wide, triangular in cross section Brownish-green flower heads look like bushy foxtails Seed heads are erect, vertical, up to 8 cm long Possibly the most common sedge...
More DetailsAKA Carex elata Slender upright sedge with leaves and seeds growing off the same stems Stems are bluish-green, triangular in cross section Male and female blooms flower on separate spikes Plants emerge from elevated tufts (tussocks) in or near st...
More DetailsSlender, upright, slightly arching sedge common to Ontario's wetlands Stems are bluish-green, triangular in cross-section Seed heads, at same height as the leaves, resemble a fox's tail Plants emerge from elevated tufts (tussocks) in or near stand...
More DetailsSpherical clusters of white florets Green nutlets turn brown in the fall and persist into the winter Glossy foliage emerges in late spring Grows well in wet soils, even standing water Bloom Time: Spring...
More DetailsA clumping rush with slender dark green cylindrical stems Each stem is topped with a small dark brown oblong flower spike Small narrow leaves are sometimes present near the base of the plant This is an annual that freely reseeds Bloom Time: June ...
More DetailsRigid, hollow, bamboo-like stems Dark green with black banding at joints Produces small, brown, cone-like, stem tips in the summer Evergreen foliage...
More DetailsAKA: Glyceria striata ssp. stricta, Panicularia nervata, Panicularia striata Forms an upright clump of coarse green leaves 25 cm long arranged alternately along sturdy stems Pyramidal airy panicles rise on slender stems above the foliage Flowers a...
More DetailsAKA Iris kaempferi 'Fortune' White with lavender veining on the falls with contrasting deep violet flower petals Bright green sword-like leaves with prominent centre ribs, 3-4 cm wide Bloom Time: June to July Flower Size: 20 cm...
More DetailsAKA Iris lutea Bright yellow flowers Brown markings at the base of each, yellow petal Each stem produces multiple flowers Bright green, sword-shaped leaves, 2.5 cm wide Bloom Time: May to July Flower Size: 10 cm...
More DetailsAKA Iris lutea 'Variegata' Bright yellow flowers Brown markings at the base of each, yellow petal Each stem produces multiple flowers Emerges with vibrant, golden-green, variegated foliage Foliage variegation fades to a solid, bright green by mi...
More DetailsNarrow-petaled, lavender-blue flowers with creamy-yellow throats Falls have deep purple veining with lighter blue standards Bright green, sword-like foliage Vigorous, water-loving iris Bloom Time: May to June Flower Size: 6-8 cm...
More DetailsForms an upright vase-shaped clump of single stalks Thin dark green cylindrical stems look stiff but are soft to the touch Flowers emerge in small clusters from a split in the stems, slightly below the tips of the plant Nodding clusters of flowers...
More DetailsAKA Diplacus ringens Lilac-purple tubular two-lipped flowers Individual flowers develop from the leaf axils of the upper stems Opposite green leaves are 10 cm long and 2.5 cm across Identified by their unique square stems Bloom Time: June to Sep...
More DetailsAKA Myrica palustris Upright, oval habit Waxy yellow catkins appear before the leaves Fragrant, blue-green to dark green foliage Nitrogen-fixing species Grows well at water's edge or in bogs Bloom Time: May...
More DetailsUnique, widely spaced, oblong leaflets, with a distinct, central vein Pale green leaves in sunlight Deeper green in shade with reddish stems Some fronds are fertile and have brown, flower-like leaflets at the tip Upright and clumping form with wi...
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